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to the corners 
of the universe
... and beyond!

Se non è vero 
è ben trovato

    Comment: this picture is so fantastic because of some fascinating contrasting details: they are looking closely in each other's eyes, the policeman has his arm on the shoulder of the Palestinian, the Palestinian his fist on the chest of the policeman, while the person behind the Palestinian is looking casual in another direction.
Source: Amit Shabi / Reuters, 13 October 2000. An Israeli border policeman and a Palestinian scream at each other as the Palestinian is refused entry to the Al-Aqsa mosque for Friday prayers.


One crying in the encroaching wilderness.

Allerlaatste waarschuwing = very last warning
Het gaat helemaal mis zo = it all goes wrong
VK 12 Oct 2018



Intro (top)
  This website is a personal website with anything that seems interesting to me in what way so ever, mainly texts, pictures and cartoons.
The website contains mostly Dutch and English texts
(if possible in both languages), but sometimes other languages as well, such as German, French, Italian. 
It can be my own stuff or someone else's. If known I give the source and sometimes some comment.

Comments are welcome. Interesting contributions are welcome as well. 
Have fun!

I am looking for a native English speaker to correct my English texts: info@voxclamantis.nl

  Vox clamantis in deserto
"de stem eens roependen in de woestijn" (iemand wiens woorden in de wind geslagen worden)
"the voice of one crying in the wilderness" (someone who expresses an opinion that is ignored)
Jes. 40:3, Matth. / Matthew 3:3; Marcus / Mark 1:3; Lucas / Luke 3:4; Joh. / John 1:23


Comments (top)
  17-09-2012 "Quite an intriguing website you have there. I like the way you think. I think you are doing a fine job.
Your site is much more interesting than many that are out there. Keep up the good work."

Martin Brant (enlightenedmale2000.com)

21-08-2007 "Your site is looking very good in its own calm way."


What's new (top)
  21-08-2023 Life Nederlands, dyslexie woorden
  29-07-2021 Religion: Ezelproces (over godslastering / blasfemie, pleidooi Reve bij Gerechtshof)
  09-06-2021 Literatuurwetenschap: het raadsel der onleesbaarheid Karel van het Reve
  25-05-2021 Absurdity of Christianity / Christendom
  06-10-2020 Life Nederlands, zo moeilijk is het niet
  15-01-2020 Life We willen er zo graag toe doen, Koerselman
  16-03-2018 Pictures Speed control in Venezia Italia
  04-01-2017 Sex Eerlijkheid bij sexuele handelingen
  01-01-2014 Life Interactions strategies
18-11-2012 Politics: to be governed Proudhon
21-09-2012 Politics: 198 Methods of non-violent action
  09-12-2011 Sex Homosexuality in the US Army: Don't Ask, Don’t Tell Act (DADT) + Ruling in 2010
28-07-2011 Vreemdgaan: Bob Livingston / Adultery: Bob Livingston
04-09-2010 Luisteren / Listening Amos Oz
18-08-2010 Regeringsvorming 2010: meten met 2 maten
12-06-2010 Kenniseconomie: klap van 100 euro in de garage
30-04-2010 Regels om motieven te doorzien / Motive discoverers
17-04-2010 Anal sex: The Surrender Toni Bentley
24-03-2010 De aarde kan wel voor zichzelf zorgen
18-01-2010 De ongelooflijke slechtheid van het opperwezen Karel van het Reve
13-09-2009 Precieze vraagstelling
24-06-2009 Discriminatie / discrimination
15-05-2009 Hoe te redeneren? / How to reason? Spinoza
Over papieren Schrift / On paper bible Spinoza
03-01-2009 Israel
01-11-2008 Papagaai en Pinguïn / Parrot and Penguin
25-03-2008 Beatrix + homo's
19-08-2007 Human rights and the denial of sexual freedom 1951, René Guyon
04-07-2007 Sexual repression and orgasm Wilhelm Reich
27-05-2007 In de file staan
Hel afgeschaft
30-04-2007 Een en ander: Vijf: toppunten, onthutsende ontdekkingen, waarheden
Moreel graaien / Alleen maar seks homosexualiteit
Taal Nederlands
22-04-2007 Wijsheid / dwaasheid / wisdom / folly
18-04-2007 Sex Sensitive and caring / Life in Lubbock / Masturbation / Adultery / Air Force
12-04-2007 Canonical and nazi anti-jewish measures Raul Hilberg
11-04-2007 Inapprehensible whether there are gods
09-04-2007 Waarom de paus antisemiet moet zijn
09-04-2007 De liefde / Love  I Cor.13:1-13 / 1 Corinthians Chapter 13


Update: 21 August 2023  -   Comments: info@voxclamantis.nl   -   Copyright 2007-2023: voxclamantis.nl