Canonical and nazi anti-jewish measures, Raul Hilberg (top) | |
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Law |
Nazi Measure | |
Prohibition of intermarriage and of sexual intercourse between Christians and
Jews. Synod of Elvira, 306 |
Law for the Protection of German Blood and
Honor. September 15, 1935 |
Jews and
Christians not permitted to eat together. Synod of Elvira, 306 |
Jews barred from dining cars. Transport Minister to Interior Minister, December 30, 1939 |
Jews not allowed to hold public
office. Synod of Clermont, 535 |
Law for the Reestablishment of the Professional Civil
Service. April 7, 1933 |
Jews not allowed to employ Christian servants or possess Christian
slaves. 3d Synod of Orléans, 538 |
Law for the Protection of German Blood and
Honor. September 15, 1935 |
Jews not permitted to show themselves in the streets during Passion
Week. 3d Synod of Orléans, 538 |
Decree authorizing local authorities to bar Jews from the streets on certain days
(i.e., Nazi holidays). December 3, 1938 |
Burning of the Talmud and other
books. 12th Synod of Toledo, 681 |
Book burnings in Nazi Germany. | |
Christians not permitted to patronize Jewish
doctors. Trullan
Synod, 692 |
Decree of July 25, 1938 | |
Christians not permitted to live in Jewish homes. Synod of Narbonne, 1050 | Directive by Göring providing for concentration of Jews in
houses. December 28, 1938 Bormann to Rosenberg, January 17, 1939 |
Jews obliged to pay taxes for support of the Church to the same extent as Christians. Synod of Gerona, 1078 | The
"Sozialausgleichsabgabe" which provided that Jews pay a special income tax in lieu of donations for Party purposes imposed on
Nazis. December 24, 1940 |
Jews not permitted to be plaintiffs, or witnesses against Christians in the Courts. 3d Lateran Council, 1179, Canon 26 | Proposal by the Party Chancellery that Jews not be permitted to institute civil
suits. Bormann to Justice Ministry, September 9,
1942 |
Jews not permitted to withhold inheritance from descendants who had accepted Christianity. 3d Lateran Council, 1179, Canon 26 | Decree empowering the Justice Ministry to void wills offending the "sound judgment of the
people." July 31, 1938 |
The marking of Jewish clothes with a
badge. 4th Lateran
Council, 1215, Canon 68 Copied from the legislation by Caliph Omar II (634-644), who had decreed that Christians wear blue
belts and
Jews, yellow belts |
Decree of September 1, 1941 | |
Construction of new synagogues
prohibited. Council of Oxford, 1222 |
Destruction of synagogues in entire Reich. Heydrich to Göring, November 11, 1938 |
Christians not permitted to attend Jewish
ceremonies. Synod of
Vienna, 1267 |
Friendly relations with Jews prohibited. October 24, 1941 Gestapo directive |
Jews not permitted to dispute with simple Christian people about the tenets of the Catholic
religion. Synod of Vienna, 1267 |
ghettos. Synod of Breslau, 1267 |
Order by Heydrich. September 21, 1939 | |
Christians not permitted to sell or rent
real estate to Jews. Synod of Ofen, 1279 |
Decree providing for compulsory sale of Jewish real estate. December 3, 1938 | |
Adoption by a Christian of the Jewish religion or return by a baptized Jew to the Jewish religion defined as a
heresy. Synod of Mainz, 1310 |
Adoption of the Jewish religion by a Christian places him in jeopardy of being treated as a Jew.
Decision by Oberlandesgericht Königsberg, 4th Zivilsenat, June 26,
1942 |
Jews not permitted to act as agents in the conclusion of
contracts, especially marriage contracts, between Christians. Council of
Basel, 1434, Sessio XIX |
providing for liquidation of Jewish real estate
agencies, brokerage agencies, and marriage agencies catering to non- Jews.
July 6, 1938 |
Jews not permitted to obtain academic degrees. Council of Basel, 1434, Sessio XIX | Law against Overcrowding of German Schools and Universities. April 25, 1933 | |
Hilberg 10-11
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