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Sex general (top) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Men love wars, women love warriors. |
When I first saw u, I was afraid to meet u.. when I first met u, I was afraid to kiss u.. when I first kissed u, I was afraid to love u.. but now that I love u, I'm afraid to lose u .. 3-3-2005 |
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Q: Why is it so hard for women to find men who
are sensitive
and caring? A: Because those men already have a boyfriend. |
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Life is a sexually transmitted disease and the
mortality rate is one hundred per cent. R.D.
Laing |
Ingredients of love
Looking for ... (top) A tall well-built man with good reputation, who can cook frogs legs, who appreciates a good fuc- schia garden, classic music and tal- king without getting too serious. But please only read lines 1, 3 and 5. 9-2-2005 |
Life in Lubbock, Texas, taught me two things: One is that God loves you and you're going to burn in hell. The other is that sex is the most awful, filthy thing on earth and you should save it for someone you love. Butch Hancock | ||||||||||||||||||||
Sex is goddelijk (celibaat) | |||||||||||||||||||||
Sexual repression and orgasm (top) | |||||||||||||||||||||
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It is banal and sounds rather hackneyed, but I maintain that every person who has succeeded in preserving a certain amount of naturalness knows
this: those
who are psychically ill need but one thing - complete and repeated genital
gratification. Reich
2 page 96 |
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Orgastic potency is the capacity to surrender to the flow of biological
energy, free of any inhibitions; the capacity to discharge completely the damned-up sexual excitation through
involuntary, pleasurable convulsions of the body. Not a single neurotic is orgastically potent, and the character structures of the overwhelming majority of men and women are neurotic. Reich 2 page 102 |
Orgastically potent men and women never laugh and talk during the sexual
act, except possibly to exchange words of endearment. Both talking and laughing are indicative of severe disturbances of the ability to surrender; surrender presupposes complete immersion in the streaming sensation of pleasure. Men who feel that surrender is "feminine" are always orgastically disturbed. Reich 2 page 105 |
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All education suffers from the fact that social adjustment requires the repression of natural
sexuality, and that this repression makes people sick and asocial.
2 page 215 |
Biological as well as sociological demands are operative in the human
structure. Everything that has social standing, title, and prestige champions the sociological demands against the natural
demands. I was amazed that the
overwhelming role of natural demands could have been so thoroughly
2 page 250 |
Comprehension of the masochistic mechanism opened the way for me into the field of
biology. Man's pleasure anxiety became understandable as a fundamental change in the physiological function of
pleasure. Suffering and enduring suffering are results of the loss of the organic capacity for pleasure. Thus, without intending it, I had hit upon the dynamic nature of all religions and philosophies of suffering. When, in my capacity as a sex counselor, I came into contact with many Christian people, I grasped the connection between biological functioning and religion. Religious ecstasy is patterned precisely according to the masochistic mechanism. Release from inner sin, i.e., from inner sexual tension - a release one is not capable of bringing about by oneself - is expected from God, an all-powerful figure. Such release is desired with biological energy. At the same time, it is experienced as "sin." Thus, it cannot be realized through one's own volition. Someone else has to accomplish it, be it in the form of punishment, pardon, redemption, etc. […] The masochistic orgies of the Middle Ages, the Inquisition, the chastisements and tortures, the penances, etc., of the religious betrayed their function. They were unsuccessful masochistic attempts to attain sexual gratification. Reich 2 page 256-257 |
Masturbation (top) | |||||||||||||||||||||
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Nothing is better than sex. Masturbation is
better than nothing. Therefore, masturbation is better than sex. |
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Don't knock masturbation,
it's sex with someone you love. Woody
Allen, Annie Hall 1977 |
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Sex is like anything else; if you want it done
right you have to do it yourself. |
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My best friend is my right hand. |
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At home your wife is your right hand, at sea it
is the other way around. Thuis is je vrouw je rechterhand, op zee is dat omgekeerd. 27-11-2007 |
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Men's singles Heren enkelspel. masturberen; A. Moonen |
Adultery+Monogamy+Marriage (top) | |||||||||||||||||||||
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A couple are in bed when the phone rings. 'Who was it?'
asks the man. 'My husband,' she says. 'But relax. He says he's down the pub
with you.' |
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I said to the wife, 'Guess what I heard in
the pub? They reckon the milkman has made love to every woman in this road
except one.' And she said, 'I'll bet it's that stuck-up Phyllis at number
23.' Max Kauffman |
(één van) vijf onthutsende ontdekkingen in een mensenleven (de
Dat binnen iedere verhouding, hoe ideaal en vertrouwelijk ook, de seksuele aandrift afneemt, terwijl volkomen wildvreemden seksueel aantrekkelijk blijven. Gerrit Komrij NRC 27-10-1993 |
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Monogaam huwelijk (dat de ongehuwde
Immanuel Kant voorschreef): een contract waarbij de echtgenoten elkaar het exclusieve gebruik van hun geslachtsorganen toekennen. NRC 29-8-1998, Z4, blz. 31 |
Natural, biological monogamy? After the Thirty Years' War, the population of Middle Europe had dwindled considerably. Then, on February 14, 1650, the District Council of Nürnberg issued a decree which eliminated the demand for monogamy: "Whereas the needs of the Holy Roman Empire make it necessary to replace again the manhood which during this Thirty Years' War has been decimated by the sword, sickness and hunger ... every male, for the next ten years, shall, therefore be allowed to marry two women" […]. And scientists talk of "natural, biological" monogamy. Reich 1 page 132 |
Sex with a virgin As I have shown elsewhere [The function of the orgasm, 1927] the concept that the first sexual act with a virgin is the most satisfying act, that the honeymoon is the most gratifying period sexually, is erroneous. Such a concept is contradicted by all clinical experience. Reich 1 page 121 |
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Mutually acquainted sexually To enter a marriage without having become mutually acquainted sexually is poor hygiene and usually leads to catastrophe. Reich 1 page 121 |
Basic difficulty permanent sexual relationship The basic difficulty of any permanent sexual relationship is the conflict between the dulling (temporary or final) of sensual desire on the one hand and the increasing tender attachment to the partner on the other hand. Reich 1 page 122 |
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Sexual stimuli emanating from others than the partner […] any attempt to eliminate them, like ecclesiastical prescriptions for modesty in dress or any other ascetic or moralistic social measure, will have the opposite effect because the suppression of sexual demands never does anything but increase their urgency. The overlooking of this fundamental fact constitutes the tragedy - or comedy - of all ascetic sexual morality. Reich 1 page 123 |
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Vreemdgaan: Bob Livingston / Adultery:Bob Livingston | ||||||||||||||||||||
Anal sex (top) | |||||||||||||||||||||
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The Surrender, An Erotic Memoir by Toni Bentley![]() Few women do it and even fewer will admit to it. But in Toni Bentley's daring and intimate memoir, The Surrender, she pulls the sheets back on an erotic experience that's been forbidden since the Bible and celebrates "the joy that lies on the other side of convention, where risk is real and rapture resides." From Story of O to The Kiss to The Sexual Life of Catherine M., readers have been enthralled with sexually subversive memoirs by women. But even those erotic classics didn't navigate the psychosexual terrain that Bentley does when she meets a lover who introduces her to a radical and unexpected pleasure, to the "holy" act that she came to see as her
awakening. |
Human rights and the denial of sexual freedom |
Homosexuality (top) |
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Als in vooroordelen over homoseksualiteit het woord homoseksualiteit vervangen wordt door het woord heteroseksualiteit blijkt hoe onzinnig ze zijn. If in prejudices, you replace the word homosexuality/gay by the word heterosexuality/straight it turns out how ridiculous they are. |
Ned |
Prangende vragen
aan heteroseksuelen (English
version) (top) Kent u die situatie? Iemand heeft net vernomen dat je homo of lesbienne bent en vuurt een salvo vragen op je af. Goed bedoeld misschien, maar lang niet altijd even prettig. U zou maar wat graag eens de rol van de ander spelen. Al is het alleen maar om terug te slaan. Welnu, dat kan. Het blad 'Bi-nieuws' publiceert deze maand een rijtje vragen die u aan heteroseksuelen kunt stellen. Maar dan moeten ze natuurlijk wel hun coming-out hebben gehad. 1. Wanneer ontdekte je voor het eerst dat je heteroseksueel was? 2. Wat denk je dat de oorzaak is van jouw heteroseksualiteit? 3. Is het mogelijk dat jouw heteroseksualiteit slechts een fase is waar je overheen zult groeien? 4. Is het mogelijk dat jouw heteroseksualiteit verband houdt met een neurotische angst voor mensen van je eigen sekse? 5. Het is bekend dat veel homorelaties mislukken. Denk je dat je hetero bent geworden uit angst voor afwijzing? 6. Als je nog nooit met iemand van je eigen sekse hebt geslapen, hoe weet je dan dat je voorkeur daar niet naar uitgaat? 7. Als heteroseksualiteit normaal is, waarom is dan een disproportioneel aantal psychiatrische patiënten heteroseksueel? 8. Aan wie heb je verteld dat je heteroseksueel bent? Hoe reageerden zij? 9. Ik vind het helemaal niet erg dat je heteroseksueel bent, zolang je mij maar met rust laat. Maar waarom zijn er zoveel heteroseksuelen die anderen proberen te verleiden om ook zo te worden? 10. Als je ervoor zou kiezen om kinderen te krijgen, zou je dan willen dat ze heteroseksueel zouden worden, gezien de problemen die ze dan zouden ondervinden? 11. De grote meerderheid van de kinderverkrachters (meer dan negentig procent) is heteroseksueel. Vind je het echt veilig om je kinderen bloot te stellen aan heteroseksuele onderwijzers? 12. Hoe zou het mogelijk zijn voor het menselijk ras om voort te bestaan als iedereen heteroseksueel zou zijn en zich zou voortplanten, gezien de dreiging van overbevolking? 13. Waarom zijn heteroseksuelen zo promiscue? 14. Zelfs ondanks alle sociale ondersteuning die huwelijken ondervinden, is het aantal echtscheidingen gigantisch. Waarom zijn er zo weinig stabiele heteroseksuele relaties? 15. Hoe kan je jezelf beschouwen als een volledig mens als je jezelf beperkt tot dwangmatige exclusieve heteroseksualiteit? Zou je niet ten minste proberen om je natuurlijke, gezonde homoseksuele potentieel te ontwikkelen? 16. Er lijken weinig gelukkige heteroseksuelen te zijn. Er zijn echter technieken ontwikkeld om je te helpen veranderen als je dat echt wilt. Heb je wel eens zo'n therapie overwogen? GK 22-1-1994 |
Eng |
Pressing questions to
(top) You know this situation? Someone just heard you are gay and asks you all kind of questions. Well meant of course, but not too pleasant. You would like to play the role of the other, if only to hit back. Well, that’s possible. The magazine “Bi-news” published this month several questions you can ask heterosexuals. Then, of course, they must have had their coming out. 1. When did you discover that you are heterosexual for the first time? 2. What do you think is the origin of your heterosexuality? 3. Is it possible that your heterosexuality is just a phase you will grow over? 4. Is it possible that your heterosexuality is related to a neurotic fear for people of your own sex? 5. It is well known that many gay relationships fail. Do you think that you have become heterosexual out of fear for rejection? 6. If you have never slept with someone of your own sex, how do you know that that does not have your preference? 7. If heterosexuality is normal, why then is a disproportionate number of psychiatric patients heterosexual? 8. Whom did you tell you are heterosexual? What was their reaction? 9. I don’t mind that you are heterosexual, as long as you leave me alone. But why do so many heterosexuals try to seduce you to become like them? 10. When you choose to have children, would you prefer them to become heterosexual, given the problems they would then have? 11. The majority of child molesters (more then 90%) is heterosexual. Do you consider it safe to expose your children to heterosexual teachers? 12. How would it be possible for the human race to continue existence when everybody would be heterosexual and would reproduce, given the overpopulation? 13. Why are heterosexuals so promiscuous? 14. Despite all social support for marriage, the number of divorces is gigantic. Why are there so little stable heterosexual relationships? 15. How can you consider yourself as a complete human being when you restrict yourself to compulsive exclusive heterosexuality? Would you not at least try to develop your natural, healthy homosexual potential? 16. It seems that there are not many happy heterosexuals. Happily, methods have been developed to help you change if you really want. Did you ever consider such a therapy? |
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Nicknames: blackmale cum cum e-ventjes kijken gereetschap push the bottom kont-act tobiass yourfutureexbf |
Homosexuality (mild) disability As it happens, I experience my own homosexuality as a (mild) disability. If I could have designed myself in the womb, I would have chosen to be heterosexual, because I feel I am missing out on something special and irreplaceable by not being able to conceive and raise a child with the partner I love. On the other hand, I say the disability is mild because most people need to do without some important opportunity. Life is like that. We play the hand we're dealt. Rauch page 100 |
“Daarmee zou dan een einde komen aan de beschamende toestand die we in veel gemeenten kennen, dat godsdienst ondergeschikt wordt gemaakt aan seks.” Je zou er treurig van kunnen worden, een gezaghebbend christelijk opinieleider die bij het huwelijk alleen maar aan seks denkt. Marjolijn Februari VK 28-4-2007 |
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The Air
Force pinned a medal on me for
killing a man and discharged me for making love to one.
Leonard Matlovich, formerly of the US Air Force, 1975 |
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Bisexueel = homo
met een smoes Bi sexual = gay with an excuse. |
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Ask, Don’t Tell Act + Ruling in 2010 The Act (...) provides that any member of the U.S. Armed Forces who engages in homosexual conduct is subject to discharge unless the servicemember is able to demonstrate that he or she has no propensity to engage in "homosexual conduct." Under the Act, homosexual conduct includes sexual acts with persons of the same sex, admissions that one is homosexual or bisexual, and attempts to marry a person of the same sex. Uitspraak van rechter Virginia A. Phillips / Ruling of Judge Virginia A. Phillips. Toelichting op uitspraak / Illumination on the verdict.
Deze rechterlijke uitspraak is prachtig in de manier
waarop met het fileermes gehakt wordt gemaakt van de wet en de daaraan ten
grondslag liggende 'argumenten'.
3 geslachten / 3 sexes | |
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